Documents/CSIRO/1: National Challenges/1.1.1: Accelerating and Expanding Flagships

1.1.1: Accelerating and Expanding Flagships

Grow targeted National Flagships to more rapidly address key national challenges and opportunities.

Other Information:

Aspiration: Grow targeted National Flagships to more rapidly address key national challenges and opportunities. Activities: • Water for a Healthy Country Flagship – Accelerate the Water Resources Observation Network for improved decision-making around Australia’s water • Energy Transformed Flagship – Expand the transport fuels area for cost effective and low-emissions energy security • Preventative-Health Flagship – Focus on the obesity program to help address the national obesity crisis including childhood obesity • Wealth from Oceans Flagship – Incorporate sustainable fisheries research • New Flagships – Establish the Climate Adaptation, Minerals Down Under and Niche Manufacturing Flagships Outcomes: • Three new Flagships established and delivering in the targeted areas of climate change adaptation, minerals and manufacturing • Delivery of practical solutions from existing Flagships has been expanded, for example in the areas of low emission transport fuels and childhood obesity • Flagships are increasingly efficient and effective in the delivery of their goals
