Publication: 2013-05-18 Source: http://americanactionnetwork.org/about
Name:Owen Ambur
Name:American Action Network
Description: The American Action Network is a 501(c)(4) ‘action tank' that will create, encourage and promote center-right policies based
on the principles of freedom, limited government, American exceptionalism, and strong national security. The American Action
Network is ... not affiliated with or controlled by any political group.
- Supporters of Center-Right Values: The Network welcomes supporters of its center-right values and policy proposals regardless of party affiliation, and looks
forward to working with legislators, government officials, and advocates of either party who are willing to advance policies
consistent with the Network's principles.
- Legislators
- Government Officials
- Advocates of Either Party: who are willing to advance policies consistent with the Network's principles.
- Board Members of the American Action Network
- Senator Norm Coleman: Chairman, American Action Network and Of Counsel, Hogan Lovells US LLP
- Fred Malek: Founder, American Action Network and Chairman, Thayer Lodging Group
- Isaac Applbaum: founding General Partner, Opus Capital
- Dylan Glenn: Managing Director, Guggenheim Advisors
- Ambassador Boyden Gray: former U.S. Ambassador to the European Union
- Congressman Jim Nussle: President and CEO, The Nussle Group
- Congressman Tom Reynolds: Senior Strategic Policy Advisor, Nixon Peabody
- Ambassador Gregory Slayton: Adjunct Professor, Tuck School of Business, Dartmouth College
- Congressman Vin Weber: Managing Partner, Clark and Weinstock