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Documents/4P4BPS/4: Collaboration/4.3: Role of Government |
Refine government's role as an economic shaper and integrator Other Information: Refining government's role as an economic shaper and integrator -- Governments have an opportunity -- perhaps even a mandate, in certain troubled sectors -- to play the part of a "systems integrator" that takes a high-level view on an issue and figures out how all stakeholders should work together. One area in which government can assume an integrator role is in the education-to-employment (E2E) system: our recent research on E2E has shown that 75 million young people are unemployed globally, yet only 43 percent of employers report that they can find enough qualified entry-level candidates. One integrator model is being tried in Brazil's oil and gas industry. Prominp -- a coalition of government agencies, private companies, trade associations, and labor unions -- develops a rolling five-year projection of how much manpower is needed in specific geographies and skill areas (for example, shipyard welding or petroleum engineering), then identifies the best training provider to codevelop a curriculum with selected companies to meet those exact needs. By the end of 2012, Prominp had already qualified 90,000 trainees, and its goal is to bridge the projected skill gap of more than 200,000 skilled people by 2014. The convergence of the public, private, and social sectors means that government leaders will increasingly need to be "tri-sector athletes," adept in operating at the intersections of these sectors. And they will need to embrace new forms of organization and service delivery that are rooted in partnership. Indicator(s):
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