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Documents/4P4BPS/3: Expertise & Skills/3.3: Strategy & Risk Management |
3.3: Strategy & Risk Management Sharpen strategic and risk-management skills Other Information: Sharpening strategic and risk-management skills -- Governments face large, intractable challenges with many dimensions, multiple stakeholders, and far-reaching ripple effects. Some are perennial issues, like national security, whereas others may be external shocks -- a natural disaster, perhaps, or a pandemic. Regardless of the nature or origin of the challenge, such problems often affect -- and require coordinated responses from -- multiple parts of government. Leaders must be equipped to anticipate, assess, and react to these complex problems. That was the impetus for the Singapore government's creation of the Centre for Strategic Futures, which "aims to develop insights into future trends and discontinuities, and cultivate capacity and instincts to manage strategic surprises." In an increasingly complex and interconnected world, governments will struggle to address the challenges of doing more with less if their employees are not armed with the right skills. A commitment to capability building will allow governments to be able to take a more dynamic and adaptable approach to reform. Indicator(s):
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