Documents/SS/2: Collaboration Services

2: Collaboration Services

Make the loosely-coupled collaboration services available to users via customizable thin portals, provided to users by their own departments.

Other Information:

Scope of Government-Wide Collaboration Environment: Collaboration at All Levels. Intra-Department collaboration Inter-Department collaboration Not only supporting formally established inter-department committees, working groups, etc. in accomplishing shared goals, but also supporting ad hoc inter-department groups of USG employees and contractors in accomplishing shared goals. Supporting individual USG employees and contractors in doing their jobs by facilitating routine inter-department information sharing and communication. Information Sharing. Making data, documents, photos, images, audio recordings, videos, links, ratings, etc., discoverable and accessible. Breadth of sharing can vary widely (e.g., from publically accessible Wikipedia to closed OMB MAX “agency communities”). Communication. Exchanging thoughts, feelings, information, etc. Can be synchronous or asynchronous. Can be one-to-one, one-to-many, many-to-one, or many-to-many. Cooperative Work (i.e., “collaboration in the narrow sense”). Cooperatively working toward a shared goal, e.g., developing a concept, writing a paper, creating web content, formulating a policy, accomplishing a mission, etc. Degree of participation can vary from open to closed. Can transition from closed (e.g., while a draft paper is in development) to open (when it is completed) Degree of interaction can vary from wiki-style (pseudo-simultaneous updating) to Document-Management-System-style (serial updating—checking documents out for updating).
