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Documents/OPICIT/5: IT Operations/5.2: Performance Management |
Performance Management Other Information: Performance management is a relatively new concept to the field of management. Performance management reminds us that being busy is not the same as producing results. The major contribution of performance management is its focus on achieving results -- useful products and services for customers inside and outside the organization. Performance management also helps to ensure that systems and processes in the organization are applied in the right way to the right things: to achieve results needed to meet the OPIC strategic goals and mission. The OCIO is in the process of implementing a performance management plan for the data center. Software has been implemented that monitors the performance of all OPIC systems and reports on that performance on a regular basis. Performance reports are currently being examined to identify the normal performance range of each monitored element and the out-of-limits metrics for each. By having these metrics established, the OCIO will be able to closely watch the performance of the IT infrastructure and identify any anomalies before they have a major impact on system performance. The performance management plan will also provide the OCIO with the ability to identify performance trends that may indicate that a system element may need improvement. An additional goal of the OCIO performance management plan is the development of established service levels for the support and services that we acquire from our hardware and software vendors, as well as the support and services that the OCIO provides to OPIC users. These established service levels will provide the OCIO with a mechanism to track how well our vendors meet our needs, and how well the OCIO meets the need of the OPIC user community. Indicator(s):
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