Documents/OPICIT/4: Information Security/4.7: Security Training and Awareness

4.7: Security Training and Awareness

Security Training and Awareness

Other Information:

A Security Training and Awareness program has been established that must be enhanced and continually refined to ensure that OPIC staff is provided with specialized training and security awareness that allows them to successfully fulfill their specific job duties, to develop professionally in their careers, and to alert them to important information regarding their security responsibilities. A Security Training and Awareness program that includes training, awareness, and outreach must be implemented that delivers a multitude of security messages through various means to all employees. The Security Training and Awareness program will include a comprehensive and integrated approach to delivering security-related training content and awareness initiatives that will promote, raise, and sustain the security culture and goals of the Department. The Security Training and Awareness program will target the general population and the specific functional roles within the Department. The specific mission assurance objectives are: • Improve security awareness and communications throughout the Department • Establish a professionalization and retention program for personnel with security responsibilities.
