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Documents/OPICIT/4: Information Security/4.5: Disaster Recovery |
Disaster Recovery Other Information: Disaster recovery (DR) is the process of regaining access to the data, hardware and software necessary to resume critical business operations after a natural or human-caused disaster. A good plan takes into account many different factors. The most important are: • Communication • Backup and Restore capability • Facilities - having backup hot sites or cold sites • Training • Testing OCIO is in the process of implementing several new technologies that will improve OPIC’s DR capability. These include an improved backup/restore technologies and processes, a storage area network (SAN), network redundancy and documented procedures for failover processes. Over the longer term, OCIO is exploring the value of using additional server clustering and considering the possibility of obtaining remote hosting services. We are also reviewing restoration capability with system owners for impact analysis, expectation gap analysis and implementation of improved fault tolerance at the system and sub-system level. The OCIO DR plan is a sub section of the OPIC COOP plan. Indicator(s):
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