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Documents/OPICIT/3: Technology Improvement/3.2: Infrastructure Improvement |
3.2: Infrastructure Improvement Infrastructure Improvement Other Information: The OCIO will implement a Technology Improvement Program (TIP) to provide for the orderly and systematic acquisition of information technology improvements to support the OPIC Strategic Plan. The TIP will be the OCIO’s principal tool for identifying new and emerging technologies that can be applied to the variety of business requirements within the OPIC lines of business. The TIP will also be instrumental in communicating and coordinating information technology strategic planning. The TIP is a significant part of the information technology strategic planning process established to formulate strategic direction, prioritize major initiatives, address strategic issues, and provide recommendations. The TIP will be responsible for constantly scanning the industry journals and publications to keep abreast of the latest developments in technology that is currently in use within OPIC, or that has the potential to be applied to OPIC’s business requirements. When the TIP identifies a potential new technology, that technology will be examined for its possible uses within OPIC, and its fit within the OPIC IT enterprise architecture and strategic plan. Once the technology is deemed appropriate for use within OPIC, it will be applied through the capital planning process, and a program plan developed for its implementation. Indicator(s):
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