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Documents/OPICIT/2: Enterprise Business Solutions/2.4: Interoperable Solutions |
Interoperable Solutions Other Information: Currently OPIC uses a series of disparate systems with manual “daily interfaces” to transfer sub-sets of information. This disjointed approach provides no visibility from one system to the details of another, and does not allow for a cross-system reporting capability. Interoperability is the ability of different information technology systems and software applications to communicate, to exchange data accurately, effectively, and consistently, and to use the information that has been exchanged. Making information systems interoperable will contribute to more effective and efficient work processes and can reduce costs. The goal of the OCIO is to provide a more integrated and accessible environment. To that end, OPIC business software is being transitioned to Oracle-based and Oracle E-Business Suite-based solutions. This will allow for common toolsets and routine access to OPIC data resources. We will also need to expand on our Oracle E-Business Suite investment to drive systems interoperability across multiple areas and departments: HR, finance, accounting, budget, and PMD. Indicator(s):
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