Documents/NRC/3: Excellence/3.3: Operational Excellence

3.3: Operational Excellence

NRC operations use effective business methods and solutions to achieve excellence in accomplishing the agency’s mission.

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Discussion: The NRC works to achieve operational excellence in all agency programs and processes. Operational excellence is primarily achieved through effective leadership in providing timely, high-quality information management and information technology; hiring and retaining knowledgeable and skilled staff; and providing accurate and timely financial information. Timely, high-quality information is critical to the achievement of the NRC’s safety and security mission. The NRC’s information technology/information management systems and services must work effectively to deliver that information to all participants in the regulatory process, including internal and external stakeholders. In addition, information technology continues to offer significant opportunities for improving the efficiency and effectiveness of NRC operations. For additional information, see the NRC Information Technology/Information Management Strategic Plan, available at The NRC’s workforce possesses detailed knowledge and specialized technical skills that enable the agency to fulfill its mission. To maintain this expertise and respond to emerging needs, the NRC will need to continue to build its human capital in diverse areas. The individuals hired with these skills will achieve their greatest effectiveness when they are appropriately deployed, fully engaged in fulfilling the NRC’s mission requirements, provided appropriate training as needed, and recognized for their performance. The NRC is dedicated to maintaining its technical excellence and regulatory process proficiency now and in the future through a strategic approach to training, development, and knowledge management. As the agency evolves its knowledge management program into the future, the program will adopt a comprehensive, integrated lifecycle approach to organizational learning and knowledge management. For additional information, see the NRC Strategic Human Capital Plan, available at Accurate and timely financial information is another component of operational excellence and is critical to enabling agency managers to achieve the NRC’s safety and security goals while efficiently using resources. Quality financial information enhances the effectiveness of agency managerial decisions and has the potential to reduce the fees borne by licensees, as well as the public’s tax burden. Operational Excellence Strategies: 1. Strengthen accountability for setting and achieving individual and organizational performance expectations and for providing timely and comprehensive feedback. 2. Reward safety-conscious actions and improve communication throughout the organization to support a culture of openness, trust, and innovation. 3. Improve support services to make them more efficient and make it easier to accomplish agency goals. 4. Manage agency information and employ information technology to improve the productivity, effectiveness, and efficiency of agency programs and enhance the availability and usefulness of information to all users inside and outside the agency. 5. Use innovative strategies to recruit, develop, and retain a high-quality, diverse workforce. 6. Continue to foster a work environment that is free of discrimination and provides maximum opportunities for all employees to use their diverse talents in support of the NRC’s mission and goals. 7. Sustain a learning environment that provides continuing improvement in performance through knowledge management, performance feedback, training, coaching, and mentoring. 8. Ensure that the NRC has the appropriate physical facilities to ensure regulatory effectiveness and operational efficiency. 9. Provide accurate, timely, and useful financial information to agency managers for effective decisionmaking.
