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Documents/NRC/3: Excellence/3.2: Effectiveness |
NRC actions are high quality, efficient, timely, and realistic, to enable the safe and beneficial use of radioactive materials. Other Information: Discussion: The NRC anticipates a significant increase in agency workload over the next several years. The increase is coming at a time when initiatives such as the Government Performance and Results Act (GPRA) continue to challenge Federal agencies to become more effective and efficient and to justify their budget requests with demonstrated program results. The concept of effectiveness applies to all levels of the agency, from individual actions to programs and agencywide initiatives. At the program level, for example, effectiveness refers to the degree of success in achieving program goals and requires careful alignment with intended program results to ensure that the right work is being performed by the right people. With respect to the next generation of nuclear reactors, effectiveness refers to the scope and technical sufficiency of the application review. The NRC’s ability to conduct effective application reviews relies on a variety of strategies and activities, described below. Efficiency refers to timeliness, productivity, quality, and cost characteristics that together define how economically an activity or process is performed. The NRC recognizes that the efficiency of the agency’s regulatory processes is important to the regulated community and other stakeholders, including Federal, State, local, and Tribal authorities and the public. The timeliness of the application review can be increased without compromising safety and security, provided industry submits complete, high-quality applications. While the NRC will never compromise safety and security for increased efficiency, the agency works to improve the efficiency of its regulatory processes wherever possible. Effectiveness Strategies: 1. Use state-of-the-art technologies and risk insights to improve the effectiveness and realism of NRC actions, with a goal of continuous improvement. 2. Provide clear and timely guidance to applicants and licensees to foster the submittal of high-quality and timely applications or license amendment requests. 3. Reach high-quality and timely decisions. 4. Cooperate with Federal agencies, States, and Tribal authorities and international counterparts to gain insights and effectively resolve issues to enable the safe and beneficial use of radioactive materials. 5. Work with stakeholders to minimize regulatory or jurisdictional overlap. 6. Anticipate challenges and promptly evaluate and respond to changes in the regulatory and technical environment. 7. Continue to improve the NRC’s regulatory and communication programs. 8. Achieve efficiencies in the licensing process that enable the safe and secure use of nuclear material. Indicator(s):
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