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Documents/NRC/3: Excellence/3.1: Openness |
The NRC appropriately informs and involves stakeholders in the regulatory process. Other Information: Discussion: The NRC views nuclear regulation as the public’s business and, as such, believes it should be transacted as openly and candidly as possible to maintain and enhance the public’s confidence. Ensuring appropriate openness explicitly recognizes that the public must be informed about, and have a reasonable opportunity to participate meaningfully in, the NRC’s regulatory processes. At the same time the NRC must also control sensitive information so that security goals are met. Over the next several years, the NRC anticipates receiving license applications for the construction and operation of a number of nuclear power plants, nuclear materials facilities, and a geologic repository. In addition, the NRC expects an increase in the number of spent fuel shipments and applications to extend the licenses of operating reactors. These activities will generate a great deal of public interest. Stakeholders will have many opportunities to participate in the regulatory process before issuance of a license, construction permit, early site permit, design certification, or combined license. For this participation to be meaningful, stakeholders must have access to clear and understandable information about the NRC’s role, processes, activities, and decisionmaking. The NRC will engage in active communications with stakeholders to ensure mutual understanding and timely response. To continue its practice of communicating clearly and frequently on operating plant and materials activities, the NRC will hold meetings with the public or other external stakeholders both in the vicinity of nuclear facilities and at its headquarters and regional offices. In addition, documents and correspondence related to license renewals, license applications, and inspection findings, with the exception of certain security-related, proprietary, and other sensitive information, are made available through the agency’s public Web site at http://www.nrc.gov. The agency issues press releases when it receives license applications and announces public meetings, opportunities for hearings, and other avenues for public involvement. Copies of key documents and notifications are sent to Federal, State, local, and Tribal authorities; published in the Federal Register; and made available electronically on the NRC Web site. Librarians at the NRC’s Public Document Room are available to assist members of the public in accessing or obtaining copies of the agency’s public documents. To complement the agency’s public outreach activities, the NRC has an established process to respond to requests made under the Freedom of Information Act. Openness Strategies: 1. Enhance awareness of the NRC’s independent role in protecting public health and safety, the environment, and the common defense and security. 2. Provide accurate and timely information to the public about the NRC’s mission, regulatory activities, and performance and about the uses of, and risks associated with, radioactive materials. 3. Provide for fair, timely, and meaningful stakeholder involvement in NRC decisionmaking without disclosing classified, safeguards, proprietary, and sensitive unclassified information. 4. Communicate about the NRC’s role, processes, activities, and decisions in plain language that is clear and understandable to the public. 5. Initiate early communication with stakeholders on issues of substantial interest. Indicator(s):
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