Documents/NPC/3: Leadership Development/3.2: Leadership Advancement

3.2: Leadership Advancement

Facilitate nonprofit board development and leadership

Other Information:

As the leading provider of education and training resources for the region's nonprofit community, The Nonprofit Center at La Salle University is uniquely positioned to facilitate successful nonprofit board development and leadership. Through its proven Board Leadership Program, customized to meet various audience needs and time constraints, Best Practices in Board Governance fosters a mutually satisfying relationship between the individual and the nonprofit organization being served. We also provide specific services that build the capacity of executive directors, including executive coaching and Peer Leadership Learning Circles.


  • Nonprofit BoardsExisting boards of nonprofit organizations who together are committed to enhancing their skills and capabilities to provide effective leadership and governance to their organization and its mission

  • Nonprofit Board MembersIndividuals currently on nonprofit boards or aspiring to board membership who want to be more fully prepared to understand and handle the responsibilities of purposeful board membership, from legal liability to strategic planning

  • Socially Responsible CorporationsSocially responsible corporations and businesses that want to develop additional leadership skills in select executives to enable them to fully represent their company as a contributing member of a community organization's leadership team.

  • Businesses
