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Documents/NORC/6: Health |
Conduct research on issues related to health with the goal of informing the public and policy makers and improving Americans' quality of life Other Information: NORC research on issues related to health is conducted with the goal of informing the public and policy makers and improving Americans' quality of life. Two important cancer studies conducted in the 1940s marked NORC's entry into the field of health-related studies. One included a national sample of physicians; the other a survey of adults' knowledge of cancer and cancer care. In the 1980s, separate studies assessed the effectiveness of a clinical oncology program and the treatment of cancer among older women. Today, NORC's health research includes national and local surveys, policy and program analyses, and new initiatives such as the adoption of health information technology. Health-related work is conducted in several departments and on such diverse topics as: U.S. health care policy, including Medicare and Medicaid programs Health disparities among special populations Public health issues Global health issues Environmental hazards and workplace toxins Objective(s):
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