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Documents/GRDF/1: Leaders, Ideas & Institutions/1.1: Arts |
Support the arts in New Jersey Other Information: For nearly 40 years, the Dodge Foundation has been a steadfast supporter of the arts in New Jersey. Whether through an arts council in our suburban and rural communities, or through a major performing arts center or theater in our urban centers, we believe in the power of the arts to enrich our lives, bring people together, revitalize public spaces, help communities thrive, and inspire learning. We support arts organizations across a variety of disciplines, including music, opera, theater, dance and visual arts, and we are particularly interested in organizations which place a priority on arts education programming in our schools. We also promote a strong and coordinated arts advocacy effort to help all New Jerseyans understand the value of the arts as an important jobs provider and economic engine of our communities. We're proud that New Jersey's arts community is as strong as you will find in any other state, and that performances and museum exhibitions which people are seeing across the country have often premiered right here in our home state. Arts Guidelines: "Pursue and demonstrate the highest standards of artistic excellence in the performing and visual arts; enhance the cultural health and richness of communities; inspire learning and understanding; and contribute to New Jersey's creative economy." Stakeholder(s): Indicator(s):
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