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Documents/GRDF/1: Leaders, Ideas & Institutions/1.4: Media |
Use traditional and new media to educate the public and promote participation in issues of importance to New Jersey and its citizens. Other Information: With New York City and Philadelphia news often overshadowing the concerns and challenges we face here in New Jersey, there is both a need and a hunger for constructive dialogue, access to quality information, and meaningful engagement in community decision-making. Dodge supports traditional and innovative uses of media to educate and engage the public around issues of importance to New Jersey and its citizens, as well as efforts to uncover abuses of power by the institutions in which we've placed our trust. We also believe that youth must be given a voice if we expect them to actively participate in civic affairs, and that communities thrive when their members are well-informed and seek to improve their lives as well as those of their neighbors. Media Guidelines: Use traditional and new media to educate the public and promote participation in issues of importance to New Jersey and its citizens. Stakeholder(s): Indicator(s):
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