2.1: Pledge
Make the pledge publicly. Other Information:
Each family or individual who chooses to pledge will make this statement publicly, along with a statement explaining their
decision to pledge.
- Bill & Karen Ackman: "My earliest memories include my father's exhortations about how important it is to give back. These early teachings were
ingrained in me, and a portion of the first dollars I earned, I gave away. Over the years, the emotional and psychological
returns I have earned from charitable giving have been enormous. The more I do for others, the happier I am." Pledge Letter:
- Paul G. Allen: Pledge Letter: http://givingpledge.org/pdf/letters/Allen_Letter.pdf
- Laura & John Arnold: "We view our wealth in this light - not as an end in itself, but as an instrument to effect positive and transformative change."
Pledge Letter: http://givingpledge.org/pdf/letters/Arnold_Letter.pdf
- Michael Ashcroft: "I take enormous pleasure from giving something back to society and to making a positive difference to other people's lives.
I feel honoured to put my name to the Giving Pledge and to sharing such a worthwhile commitment with like-minded people."
Pledge Letter: http://givingpledge.org/pdf/letters/Ashcroft_Letter.pdf
- Nicolas Berggruen: "Everyone is dealt a group of cards at birth. With them come possibilities and responsibilities. What one does with them is
up to each one of us; and the sum of those choices, constitute our lives. I have been blessed with the chance to build the
Nicolas Berggruen Charitable Trust." Pledge Letter: http://givingpledge.org/pdf/letters/Berggruen_Letter.pdf
- Manoj Bhargava: "Service to others seems the only intelligent choice for the use of wealth. The other choices especially personal consumption,
seem either useless or harmful." Pledge Letter: http://givingpledge.org/pdf/letters/Bhargava_Letter.pdf
- Steve Bing: Pledge Letter: coming soon
- Sara Blakely: "I pledge to invest in women because I believe it offers one of the greatest returns on investment. I am committed to the
belief that we would all be in a much better place if half the human race (women) were empowered to prosper, invent, be educated,
start their own businesses, run for office - essentially be given the chance to soar!" Pledge Letter: http://givingpledge.org/pdf/letters/Blakely_Letter.pdf
- Arthur M. Blank: "Now, as I approach my 70th birthday, I am more committed than ever to making a difference through philanthropy. The needs
in our society are more profound than at any point in my lifetime. The gap between rich and poor in America is growing. Philanthropy
alone cannot repair all of the social injustice in our country or the world. It can, however, inspire good will, spark innovation
and provide thought leadership." Pledge Letter: http://givingpledge.org/pdf/letters/Blank_Letter.pdf
- Michael R. Bloomberg: "If you want to do something for your children and show how much you love them, the single best thing - by far - is to support
organizations that will create a better world for them and their children. And by giving, we inspire others to give of themselves,
whether their money or their time." Pledge Letter: http://givingpledge.org/pdf/letters/Bloomberg_Letter.pdf
- Richard & Joan Branson: "‘Stuff' really is not what brings happiness. Family, friends, good health and the satisfaction that comes from making a positive
difference are what really matters. Happily our children, who will be our principal heirs, agree with me on this. As and when
we take monies out of the Virgin Group of companies the majority of it will be invested in entrepreneurial approaches to help
make a difference in the world. We want the value created by the Virgin Group to be used to invest in new collaborative approaches
to addressing issues, where business, governments and not-for-profits join forces to create a healthy, equitable and peaceful
world for future generations to enjoy. We started by trying to give a voice to the young people of the 1960s and hope our
‘Giving pledge' will help many generations to come. We look forward to working with Bill Gates and Warren Buffett in expanding
the number of people who are part of this pledge outside America." Pledge Letter: http://givingpledge.org/pdf/letters/Branson_Letter.pdf
- Eli & Edythe Broad: "Those who have been blessed with extraordinary wealth have an opportunity, some would say a responsibility - we consider
it a privilege - to give back to their communities, be they local, national or global." Pledge Letter: http://givingpledge.org/pdf/letters/Broad_Letter.pdf
- Charles R. Bronfman: "Philanthropy is in the DNA of my family. My parents were both active participants in Jewish, local Montreal and Canadian
charities. The dining table conversation was a place for discussing what was important to them in that world...it is no surprise
then, that each of us has contributed to society." Pledge Letter: http://givingpledge.org/pdf/letters/Bronfman_C_Letter.pdf
- Warren Buffett: "Were we to use more than 1% of my claim checks (Berkshire Hathaway stock certificates) on ourselves, neither our happiness
nor our well-being would be enhanced. In contrast, that remaining 99% can have a huge effect on the health and welfare of
others." Pledge Letter: http://givingpledge.org/pdf/letters/Buffett_Letter.pdf
- Jean & Steve Case: "We share the view that those to whom much is given, much is expected. We realize we have been given a unique platform and
opportunity, and we are committed to doing the best we can with it...We also look forward to working with the dozens of others
who have made the Giving Pledge commitment to share lessons, perspectives and best practices." Pledge Letter: http://givingpledge.org/pdf/letters/Case_Letter.pdf
- John Caudwell: "At the moment, my main charitable cause in terms of passion is Caudwell Children. This charity helps children in dire medical
need, whatever their illness. It helps children whose parents don't have the financial ability to help them themselves. Caudwell
Children helps about 3,000 children each year, and in some cases completely transforms their lives; in others it makes their
lives more bearable, while for some it can make their dying wishes come true. My hope for Caudwell Children is that we will
eventually help every eligible child in the UK and in other countries if I can find like-minded individuals to help me." Pledge
Letter: http://givingpledge.org/pdf/letters/Caudwell_Letter.pdf
- Lee & Toby Cooperman: "[We] feel it is our moral imperative to give others the opportunity to pursue the American Dream by sharing our financial
success...In the 1930s, Sir Winston Churchill observed that ‘We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we
give.'...It is in this spirit that we enthusiastically agree to take the Giving Pledge." Pledge Letter: http://givingpledge.org/pdf/letters/Cooperman_Letter.pdf
- Joe Craft: "I am excited to think about breaking barriers and providing opportunities. In my view, this is how America was designed and
meant to be, and we need to continually work to preserve the liberty that allows anyone among us to succeed." Pledge Letter:
- Joyce & Bill Cummings: "Having already pledged privately years ago to donate 90 percent of our wealth to charity, we now publicly take the Giving
Pledge in the hope that, with every new member, the Association will gain momentum and provide encouragement to others who
have the capacity to give in very meaningful ways." Pledge Letter: http://givingpledge.org/pdf/letters/Cummings_Letter.pdf
- Ray & Barbara Dalio: "At first we experienced the worry about not being able to take care of the basics. When we earned more money, we experienced
the diminishing benefits of having more money. We learned that beyond having enough money to help secure the basics - quality
relationships, health, stimulating ideas, etc. - having more money, while nice, wasn't all that important....So we found taking
our excesses and providing it to others who have extreme shortages has been both a good investment and a great satisfaction."
Pledge Letter: http://givingpledge.org/pdf/letters/Dalio_Letter.pdf
- John Paul DeJoria: "Whether it's feeding thousands of orphans in third world countries, saving whales, helping the homeless find employment,
protecting our waterways, rescuing young girls from prostitution, teaching and supplying families in Appalachia with equipment
to grow their own vegetables, or any other worthwhile endeavor...giving back is a practice and joy I want my family to continue."
Pledge Letter: http://givingpledge.org/pdf/letters/DeJoria_Letter.pdf
- Barry Diller & Diane von Furstenberg: Pledge Letter: Coming soon
- Ann & John Doerr: Pledge Letter: Coming soon
- Glenn & Eva Dubin: "Philanthropy is my way of giving thanks for the opportunities I have had and my personal attempt to perpetuate the American
dream. I started my career with nothing but opportunity. Thirty years later, I'm in a position where I can give back to society
to try to improve lives and ensure that others have the same opportunities that I did. Here, we have a cycle of giving that
helps to position the less advantaged to earn their own success - and then hopefully give back as well." Pledge Letter: http://givingpledge.org/pdf/letters/Dubin_Letter.pdf
- Larry Ellison: Pledge Letter: http://givingpledge.org/pdf/letters/Ellison_Letter.pdf
- Charles F. Feeney: Pledge Letter: http://givingpledge.org/pdf/letters/Feeney_Letter.pdf
- Andrew & Nicola Forrest: "... while giving responsibly is challenging to do well, you will find it even more satisfying than the exhilaration you experienced
when creating your enterprises. It was your logic, intuition, focus, foresight, good fortune, relentless determination and
work capacity that produced the wealth you now ponder the future of. Yet it is also these same powerful talents that cause
you to ask yourself, could I became a major philanthropist and responsibly use my wealth to improve communities and the lives
of those less fortunate, potentially touching millions of people?" Pledge Letter: http://givingpledge.org/pdf/letters/Forrest_Letter.pdf
- Ted Forstmann (d. 2011): Pledge Letter: http://givingpledge.org/pdf/letters/Forstmann_Letter.pdf
- Phillip & Patricia Frost: Pledge Letter: Coming soon
- Bill & Melinda Gates: "We have been blessed with good fortune beyond our wildest expectations, and we are profoundly grateful. But just as these
gifts are great, so we feel a great responsibility to use them well. That is why we are so pleased to join in making an explicit
commitment to the Giving Pledge." Pledge Letter: http://givingpledge.org/pdf/letters/Gates_Letter.pdf
- Monica & David Gelbaum: "Our philosophy of giving "now" was based on observing that other people have risked and given their lives to do what they
think is right and if they could risk and give everything, then we could at least give away money that we didn't think we'd
ever need. We were particularly inspired by the Righteous Gentiles who risked everything to help Jews escape the Nazis and
by people who have risked and who risk everything to fight for civil rights and human rights all over the world and by soldiers,
about whom these words were written by John Maxwell Edmonds: "When You Go Home, Tell Them Of Us and Say, For Their Tomorrow,
We Gave Our Today" David's father, a WWII veteran, once said that he didn't understand why people couldn't just give to society.
He said that's what soldiers do." Pledge Letter: http://givingpledge.org/pdf/letters/Gelbaum_Letter.pdf
- Dan & Jennifer Gilbert: "It has been exciting more than words can express living in this great country and being able to start, develop, and grow
businesses. It will be even more exciting to deploy the wealth these businesses created to improve our world which I feel
confident will be a much better place in the years and decades ahead." Pledge Letter: http://givingpledge.org/pdf/letters/Gilbert_Letter.pdf
- David & Barbara Green: "Like my parents and their parents before them, you don't have to be wealthy to give. You can give your time, your talents
and your passion. We congratulate those who have taken on this wonderful pledge." Pledge Letter: http://givingpledge.org/pdf/letters/Green_Letter.pdf
- Jeff & Mei Sze Greene: Pledge Letter: http://givingpledge.org/index.html
- Harold & Sue Ann Hamm: "We have always felt a strong obligation to lead by example. Through our giving pledge, we hope to encourage others to commit
their time and resources to worthy causes that will enable other people with ambition and tenacity to achieve their goals"
Pledge Letter: http://givingpledge.org/pdf/letters/Hamm_Letter.pdf
- Reed Hastings & Patty Quillin: "It's an honor to be able to try to help our community, our country and our planet through our philanthropy. We are thrilled
to join with other fortunate people to pledge a majority of our assets to be invested in others. We hope through this community
that we can learn as we go, and do our best to make a positive difference for many." Pledge Letter: http://givingpledge.org/pdf/letters/Hastings_Letter.pdf
- Lyda Hill: "I wish to make the world a better place by advancing solutions to medical and environmental issues through investments in
and donations to science." Pledge Letter: http://givingpledge.org/pdf/letters/Hill_Letter.pdf
- Barron Hilton: "It is my hope that others are inspired by my father's story, and by our family's steadfast adherence to his charitable philosophy."Pledge
Letter: http://givingpledge.org/pdf/letters/Hilton_Letter.pdf
- Christopher Hohn: Pledge Letter: Coming soon
- Jon & Karen Huntsman: "It has been clear to me since my earliest childhood memories that my reason for being was to help others." Pledge Letter:
- Dr Mo Ibrahim: "In 2006 I launched the Mo Ibrahim Foundation to focus on the issues of Good Governance and Leadership in Africa. Good Governance
is the basket of public goods governments must deliver to its people. It includes - but is not limited to - security, rule
of law, economic opportunity, infrastructure, management of public finance, transparency, education, health and citizens rights.
We need to move from narrative and rhetoric to facts and figures. Our Index of African Governance measures well over 100 parameters
to evaluate government delivery in every African country. Effectively, we are producing an annual scorecard to measure performance.
The objective is not to name or shame anybody but to understand where we are, what works and what doesn't and to facilitate
an objective discussion between all governments, parliaments, academics, business, civil society and beyond." Pledge Letter:
- Carl Icahn: "Until Bill, Melinda and Warren started this project, I never considered going public with my intentions. However, I certainly
see the value of a project that encourages wealthy individuals to step forward and commit to use their wealth for the common
good. I hope that by adding my voice with those who are supporting this project, we will all encourage others to participate."
Pledge Letter: http://givingpledge.org/pdf/letters/Icahn_Letter.pdf
- Joan & Irwin Jacobs: Pledge Letter: Coming soon
- George B. Kaiser: "I had the advantage of both genetics (winning the ‘ovarian lottery') and upbringing. As I looked around at those who did
not have these advantages, it became clear to me that I had a moral obligation to direct my resources to help right that balance."
Pledge Letter: http://givingpledge.org/pdf/letters/Kaiser_Letter.pdf
- Vinod & Neeru Khosla: Pledge Letter: Coming soon
- Sidney Kimmel: "My thinking is rather simple: I learned as a young boy that sharing with others is the right thing to do, a lesson I observed
from my father's willingness to share even our meager means with those less fortunate. Ever since, it has never been difficult
for me to continue to do the right thing." Pledge Letter: http://givingpledge.org/pdf/letters/Kimmel_Letter.pdf
- Rich & Nancy Kinder: "As longtime residents of [Houston], we have witnessed its extraordinary culture of entrepreneurship, which has enabled Houstonians
of all backgrounds to improve their lives, use their talents and creativity, and pursue their dreams. In Houston, you are
what you achieve. This stirs and motivates us to continue giving." Pledge Letter: http://givingpledge.org/pdf/letters/Kinder_Letter.pdf
- Elaine & Ken Langone: Pledge Letter: http://givingpledge.org/pdf/letters/Langone_Letter.pdf
- Gerry & Marguerite Lenfest: "The ultimate achievement is how you feel about yourself. And giving your wealth away to have an impact for good does help
with that feeling." Pledge Letter: http://givingpledge.org/pdf/letters/Lenfest_Letter.pdf
- Peter B. Lewis: "Taking the Giving Pledge comes naturally for me. I began giving with nickels to my Temple when my father explained to me
that giving to help others is a Jewish tradition. Those nickels, contributed to nonprofits over the years, now total nearly
$500 million. Having already given away nearly half my net worth, I plan to keep on going...The catch phrases that drive my
life and philanthropy include: Enjoy every day; Think outside the lines; Risk, learn and grow; Ideas are easy, execution pays
off; Constantly improve; Admit mistakes, fix them and move on; Problems are opportunities; Hard work makes winners." Pledge
Letter: http://givingpledge.org/pdf/letters/Lewis_Letter.pdf
- Lorry I. Lokey: "There's an old saying about farmers putting back in to the ground via fertilizer what they take out. So it is with money.
The larger the estate, the more important it is to revitalize the soil." Pledge Letter: http://givingpledge.org/pdf/letters/Lokey_Letter.pdf
- George Lucas: "My pledge is to the process; as long as I have the resources at my disposal, I will seek to raise the bar for future generations
of students of all ages. I am dedicating the majority of my wealth to improving education." Pledge Letter: http://givingpledge.org/pdf/letters/Lucas_Letter.pdf
- Duncan & Nancy MacMillan: "We very much believe that the accumulation of wealth gets us nowhere. Money has the most value when it's used for others
and the greater good, for sustaining and enriching our world. In our minds, foundational areas like education and health are
the most critical." Pledge Letter: http://givingpledge.org/pdf/letters/MacMillan_Letter.pdf
- Alfred E. Mann: Pledge Letter: http://givingpledge.org/pdf/letters/Mann_Letter.pdf
- Joe & Rika Mansueto: Pledge Letter: Coming soon
- Bernie & Billi Marcus: Pledge Letter: http://givingpledge.org/pdf/letters/Marcus_Letter.pdf
- Craig & Susan McCaw: "Many years ago we pledged to each other that a majority of our wealth would be given away to charity. We are pleased to make
our commitment public and are excited to join Melinda, Bill, Warren, and all the others who have made the Giving Pledge. Through
our foundation, we look forward to continuing our support for education, international economic development, and environmental
conservation. We are strong believers in measuring the impact of our philanthropy. We are excited about the opportunities
to exchange knowledge and learn from others in this group about how to be most effective in our giving." Pledge Letter: Coming
- Red & Charline McCombs: "What we intend is for our gifts to make an obvious difference to the recipient in such a way that we can see and enjoy what
our gifts have made possible. In this way we feel that in addition to making a gift, we are getting greater value for the
gift...." Pledge Letter: http://givingpledge.org/pdf/letters/McCombs_Letter.pdf
- Michael & Lori Milken: Pledge Letter: http://givingpledge.org/pdf/letters/Milken_Letter.pdf
- George P. Mitchell (d. 2013): "Throughout my life I've seen firsthand how even a little financial assistance could mean a chance for struggling students,
dedicated scientists, and families to reach their goals." Pledge Letter: http://givingpledge.org/pdf/letters/Mitchell_Letter.pdf
- Thomas S. Monaghan: Pledge Letter: http://givingpledge.org/pdf/letters/Monaghan_Letter.pdf
- Gordon & Betty Moore: "In 2001 we devoted half of our wealth to create a foundation that would take risks in order to innovate and achieve meaningful
results. Nearly 12 years later we remain committed to creating positive outcomes for future generations, and we're focused
on areas where we believe that we can make a difference: environmental conservation, patient care and science. We are pleased
to be a part of the Giving Pledge not only because we are able to commit these funds, but because we believe they can lead
to real learning and measurable change." Pledge Letter: http://givingpledge.org/pdf/letters/Moore_Letter.pdf
- Tashia & John Morgridge: "The more personally involved we have become with the causes we support the more effective we seem to be." Pledge Letter:
- Michael Moritz & Harriet Heyman: Pledge Letter: http://givingpledge.org/pdf/letters/Moritz_Letter.pdf
- Dustin Moskovitz & Cari Tuna: Pledge Letter: http://givingpledge.org/pdf/letters/Moskovitz_Tuna_Letter.pdf
- Patrice & Precious Motsepe: "This selfless and compassionate characteristic is part of the age-old African culture of giving and caring for your neighbor
and other members of your community. In South Africa it is embodied in the spirit and tradition of Ubuntu/Botho, in terms
of which your well-being, happiness and success is dependent upon and influenced by the wellbeing, happiness and success of
others... [We] recognise the huge responsibility and duty that the Motsepe family has to poor, unemployed, disabled, women,
youth, workers and marginalised South Africans. We also have an ongoing obligation of nation building, uniting black and white
South Africans and contributing towards making Africa and the world a better place." Pledge Letter: http://givingpledge.org/pdf/letters/Motsepe_Letter.pdf
- Elon Musk: Pledge Letter: Coming soon
- Arif Naqvi: Pledge Letter: Coming soon
- Jonathan M. Nelson: "One of the admirable qualities of our great country is the history and culture of helping those less fortunate. In America
giving is not unusual; it is mainstream. I always thought if I were lucky enough to be in a position to help others, I would.
The vast majority of Americans are this way. This is who we are. And while separate acts of generosity are generally not remarkable,
taken as a whole it defines us. I never imagined not doing my part." Pledge Letter: http://givingpledge.org/pdf/letters/Nelson_Letter.pdf
- Pierre & Pam Omidyar: Pledge Letter: http://givingpledge.org/pdf/letters/Omidyar_Letter.pdf
- Bernard & Barbro Osher: Pledge Letter: http://givingpledge.org/pdf/letters/Osher_Letter.pdf
- Ronald O. Perelman: Pledge Letter: http://givingpledge.org/pdf/letters/Perelman_Letter.pdf
- Jorge M. & Darlene Perez: "I came to this country in 1968 without a penny to my name but with the hope of becoming successful and leaving some type
of meaningful legacy behind...while I worked hard to get where I am, it would have never happened without the assistance of
many individuals and institutions along the way...it is so very important for us, the lucky few, to contribute our resources
to make this a better and more fair world." Pledge Letter: http://givingpledge.org/pdf/letters/Perez_Letter.pdf
- Peter G. Peterson: "As I watched and learned from my father's example, I noticed how much pleasure his giving to others gave him. Indeed, today,
I get much more pleasure giving money to what I consider worthwhile causes than making the money in the first place." Pledge
Letter: http://givingpledge.org/pdf/letters/Peterson_Letter.pdf
- T. Boone Pickens: Pledge Letter: http://givingpledge.org/pdf/letters/Pickens_Letter.pdf
- Victor Pinchuk: "My goal in my social investments is to empower the next generation to change their country and the world. To enable them
to build a new country based on openness and an understanding of the world of today and tomorrow. My focus is on using innovative
approaches to provide access to education, healthcare, and the inspirational power of contemporary art. Combined with modern
and innovative business projects, I believe this constitutes a powerful formula for change. I have taken my first steps, with
large scale scholarships programs, opening a museum of contemporary art with free admission, and establishing a network of
neonatal clinics - but this is just the beginning. I have a particular focus on my own country, Ukraine, and its integration
with the world. As a post-Soviet society, Ukraine needs the support of ‘social investors' in order to implement reforms and
to promote ideas like the rule of law. We face a long road ahead compared to Western countries, and we who have already benefitted
from change must help more." Pledge Letter: http://givingpledge.org/pdf/letters/Pinchuk_Letter.pdf
- Hasso Plattner: "More than 20 years ago I set up a foundation focusing on education and global health challenges. It is extremely rewarding
to see the impact money well spent can have. I had the great privilege to study at one of the best German technical universities,
University of Karlsruhe, and the education was nearly free. Without question this became the foundation for my personal success.
On one hand I feel obliged to support the company I once co-founded and on the other hand I want to give back to the society
which enabled my education. The foundation is a way to do both." Pledge Letter: http://givingpledge.org/pdf/letters/Plattner_Letter.pdf
- Vladimir Potanin: "Several years ago I announced my decision to donate a major part of my wealth to philanthropy. I genuinely believe that wealth
should work for public good and, therefore, I am trying to make my own contribution toward a better world, especially toward
a better future for my own country, Russia. I am confident that one cannot solve social problems by simply writing a check.
Personal involvement is of great importance and that is why in 1999 I established my own foundation to support programs in
the area of education, culture and philanthropy development." Pledge Letter: http://givingpledge.org/pdf/letters/Potanin_Letter.pdf
- Azim Premji: "I strongly believe that those of us, who are privileged to have wealth, should contribute significantly to try and create
a better world for the millions who are far less privileged. I will continue to act on this belief." Pledge Letter: http://givingpledge.org/pdf/letters/Premji_Letter.pdf
- Julian H. Robertson, Jr.: Pledge Letter: http://givingpledge.org/pdf/letters/Robertson_Letter.pdf
- David Rockefeller: "Our family continues to be united in the belief that those who have benefitted the most from our nation's economic system
have a special responsibility to give back to our society in meaningful ways." Pledge Letter: http://givingpledge.org/pdf/letters/Rockefeller_Letter.pdf
- Edward W. & Deedie Potter Rose: Pledge Letter: Coming soon
- Stephen M. Ross: "As a very young boy my uncle taught me a valuable lesson, the importance of giving back and using your impact and influence
to make the world a better place. Although I have generally conducted my philanthropic efforts privately, I hope through publicly
committing to the Giving Pledge that I will inspire others to commit to significant philanthropy the way my uncle inspired
me. I am delighted, grateful and honored to join this important effort in the hope that collectively we can leave the world
a little better place than we found it." Pledge Letter: http://givingpledge.org/pdf/letters/Ross_Letter.pdf
- David M. Rubenstein: Pledge Letter: http://givingpledge.org/pdf/letters/Rubenstein_Letter.pdf
- David Sainsbury: "The approach of my wife, Susie, and I to philanthropy is very simple. We do not believe that spending any more money on ourselves
or our family would add anything to our happiness. However, using it to support social progress we have found deeply fulfilling.
We focus on a few areas which require investment and which we care about deeply, and seeing these projects develop and bring
major benefits to people has been a life-enhancing experience." Pledge Letter: http://givingpledge.org/pdf/letters/Sainsbury_Letter.pdf
- John & Ginger Sall: "We are happy to confirm our longtime plans and pledge the majority of our wealth to philanthropy. Our family currently enjoys
a modest philanthropic practice through private giving and our family foundation. We continue to learn and build on those
experiences." Pledge Letter: http://givingpledge.org/pdf/letters/Sall_Letter.pdf
- Henry & Susan Samueli: "Our philanthropy has always been in our hearts and it was easy for us to look for ways to give back. Our philanthropy represents
the bridge from our family to our community, from the past to the future, and from our passions to our convictions. It is
also important to our family that perhaps our gifts will encourage others to give as well. The Giving Pledge certainly fulfills
that goal." Pledge Letter: http://givingpledge.org/pdf/letters/Samueli_Letter.pdf
- Herb and Marion (d. 2012) Sandler: Pledge Letter: http://givingpledge.org/pdf/letters/Sandler_Letter.pdf
- Denny Sanford: Pledge Letter: Coming soon
- Vicki & Roger Sant: Pledge Letter: http://givingpledge.org/pdf/letters/Sant_Letter.pdf
- Lynn Schusterman: "We believe in the importance of investing in young people by providing them with educational experiences of high quality
and by nurturing their creativity. I also pledge to continue working to encourage others, including emerging philanthropists
of all ages and all capacities, to join us in seeking to repair the world; the further we broaden our reach, the more we will
benefit from a diversity of people, perspectives and approaches as we strive to tackle problems of common concern." Pledge
Letter: http://givingpledge.org/pdf/letters/Schusterman_Letter.pdf
- Walter Scott, Jr.: Pledge Letter: http://givingpledge.org/pdf/letters/Scott_Letter.pdf
- Tom & Cindy Secunda: Pledge Letter: http://givingpledge.org/pdf/letters/Secunda_Letter.pdf
- Annette & Harold Simmons: "This country has been wonderful to me and Annette, and we have long planned to return a substantial majority of our wealth
to society." Pledge Letter: http://givingpledge.org/pdf/letters/Simmons_Letter.pdf
- Jim & Marilyn Simons: Pledge Letter: http://givingpledge.org/pdf/letters/Simons_Letter.pdf
- Paul E. Singer: "The Giving Pledge uniquely combines the direct provision of resources with the power of an idea - the idea that fostering
discussions about the purpose of philanthropy may improve our philosophies of giving and lead to better results for those
in need. I am happy and grateful to sign up for such a worthy endeavor." Pledge Letter: http://givingpledge.org/pdf/letters/Singer_Letter.pdf
- Jeff Skoll: "The world is a vast and complicated place and it needs each of us doing all we can to ensure a brighter tomorrow for future
generations." Pledge Letter: http://givingpledge.org/pdf/letters/Skoll_Letter.pdf
- Sobrato Family Foundation: John A. and Susan Sobrato, John Michael Sobrato -- "...our entire family is now in a position to engage in philanthropy at
a relatively young age. Thus John Michael has decided to join Susan and me in making this commitment. Each of us has provided
that 100% of our wealth will be given away during our lifetimes or left to the Sobrato Family Foundation....We would hope
that this legacy of giving would encourage others to commit their financial resources to worthy non-profit institutions."
Pledge Letter: http://givingpledge.org/pdf/letters/Sobrato_Letter.pdf
- Michele & Patrick Soon-Shiong: Pledge Letter: http://givingpledge.org/pdf/letters/Soon-Shiong_Letter.pdf
- Ted and Vada (d. 2013) Stanley: "People like Andrew Carnegie and John D. Rockefeller led the way - as have Warren Buffett, Bill Gates, and Ted Turner today.
Those who fail to follow the example set by these fine people will never know what they have missed. In our case it has been
at least as satisfying to give the money away as it was to earn it." Pledge Letter: http://givingpledge.org/pdf/letters/Stanley_Letter.pdf
- Mark & Mary Stevens: "We are proud to join Warren Buffett, Bill and Melinda Gates and the others who have committed to the Giving Pledge. My wife,
Mary, and I feel very fortunate and blessed that we find ourselves, at a relatively young age, to be able to give our time,
treasure and talent to a variety of philanthropic organizations in a substantial manner." Pledge Letter: http://givingpledge.org/pdf/letters/Stevens_Letter.pdf
- Tom Steyer & Kat Taylor: "Surely the pleasure we derive from St. Francis' active verbs of consoling, understanding, loving, giving and pardoning far
outweigh any selfish and passive pleasures of owning, having, or possessing." Pledge Letter: http://givingpledge.org/pdf/letters/Steyer_Letter.pdf
- Jim & Virginia Stowers: Pledge Letter: http://givingpledge.org/pdf/letters/Stowers_Letter.pdf
- Vincent Tan Chee Yioun: "I am also keenly aware that there is only so much money that a person needs for himself and his family and this brings home
the sense that when one is blessed with great wealth beyond what is needed, there is a corresponding moral and social responsibility
to put the money to good use. For this reason, I have for many years done my part to help the less fortunate and under-privileged
through monetary donations and other means of material support. I have also established a foundation known as Better Malaysia
Foundation to organize and focus these efforts with the aim of giving back to the community and generally making Malaysia
a better place. This, in part, is also to return to society what I have benefited through the support my fellow Malaysians
have given to the various businesses of both the publicly listed Berjaya group of companies of which I am the major shareholder
and my other privately held concerns." Pledge Letter: http://givingpledge.org/pdf/letters/Tan_Letter.pdf
- Tad Taube: "There has existed in the minds of refugees, who have been embraced by this great country, a level of gratitude for the opportunities
make available to us that is somewhat analogous to a debt that we feel needs to be repaid. Some of us refer to that feeling
as wanting to ‘give back' - I personally prefer to call it wanting to ‘share opportunity.'" Pledge Letter: http://givingpledge.org/pdf/letters/Taube_Letter.pdf
- Claire & Leonard Tow: "Claire and I never believed that the wealth we accumulated was truly ours. From the beginning we believed that we were only
lifetime stewards of our good fortune and were charged with redeploying it for useful societal purpose." Pledge Letter: http://givingpledge.org/pdf/letters/Tow_Letter.pdf
- Ted Turner: "I'm particularly thankful for my father's advice to set goals so high that they can't possibly be achieved during a lifetime
and to give help where help is needed most. That inspiration keeps me energized and eager to keep working hard every day on
giving back and making the world a better place for generations to come." Pledge Letter: http://givingpledge.org/pdf/letters/Turner_Letter.pdf
- Albert Lee Ueltschi (d. 2012): "...because I have been so fortunate in my professional life, I am now in a position to make certain the good fortune that
was mine is given back to society in a meaningful way. So, I'm happy to sign on to the Giving Pledge, because every one of
us has the opportunity - and the obligation - to make a difference by helping other people." Pledge Letter: http://givingpledge.org/pdf/letters/Ueltschi_Letter.pdf
- Dr. Romesh & Kathleen Wadhwani: Pledge Letter: Coning soon
- Sanford & Joan Weill: "Those who have been blessed with extraordinary wealth have an opportunity, "The ultimate achievement is how you feel about
yourself. And giving your "Our Pledge is this: We will continue to give away all of the wealth we have been so fortunate to
make except for a very small percentage allocated to our children and grandchildren between now and the time we pass because
we are firm believers that shrouds don't have pockets." Pledge Letter: http://givingpledge.org/pdf/letters/Weill_Letter.pdf
- Shelby White: Pledge Letter: Coming soon
- Samuel Yin: Pledge Letter: http://givingpledge.org/pdf/letters/Yin_Letter.pdf
- Charles Zegar & Merryl Snow Zegar: Pledge Letter: Coming soon
- Mark Zuckerberg: Pledge Letter: Coming soon