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Documents/DRBC/20: Private Sector Awareness |
Increase private sector awareness, understanding, and active participation in water resources issues. Other Information: Water resource protection and enhancement is a salient business issue. The challenge is to create opportunities to form and firm the partnerships that produce positive results in water resource issues and sustain commerce in the Basin. Encouraging private businesses to adopt water resource stewardship as part of their mission. A long-term corporate commitment to stewardship protects water resources for future generations in many ways. While adopting water resourcefriendly policies at physical plant and office locations, corporations can advise their customers on how to handle or operate their products and inform them of any changes of regulations. The private sector can also partner with non-profit and local associations to promote community water resource programs. Disseminate information about water resource issues to the commercial community; describe water resource linkages with their commercial products and properties, and suggest partnership opportunities. Highlight demonstration projects that showcase innovative and progressive commercial projects. These models serve as examples for other private sector interests as well as good public relations for water resource management. Objective(s):
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