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Documents/DRBC/14: Data and Information Sharing |
4.2: Data and Information Sharing Increase sharing of data, information, and ideas among Basin stakeholders and reduce duplication of effort. Other Information: Making information available in accessible formats. Federal, state and regional agencies and non-profit environmental organizations collect a broad array of water resourcerelated data. This information must be available in formats that can be easily interpreted in order to implement this Plan. Maps, for example, are easy to read and can be particularly useful for policy and planning purposes when associated with GIS spatial coverages that allow the overlay of other data. Assessing the usefulness of collected data. While basic information is usually straightforward to use, other raw data — such as daily precipitation, stream flow, or monthly water quality reporting — are not directly usable by policy and decision makers. This kind of data needs to be compiled and analyzed prior to use. In addition, some data needs to be interpreted to be of significant benefit to users. • The question of watershed scale is critical to our understanding of water resource issues and to the measures we develop and employ to address them. Specific problems must be understood within their local context. A regional or Basin-wide context should also be considered when evaluating alternatives. Identifying gaps and overlaps in data collection. Partnerships may be able to help fill gaps in data collection or eliminate duplication where efforts overlap. Providing a forum for discussion and analysis of available information. There is a vast array of information, data, conjecture and misinformation available from many sources. Making sense of this information requires the opportunity to share, discuss, debate, learn and solve problems. Issue-based forums provide networking opportunities, forge partnerships, and enhance the stewardship of water resources. Objective(s):
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