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Documents/DRBC/11: Development and Redevelopment |
3.4: Development and Redevelopment Encourage development and redevelopment in areas where growth can improve the economic viability of local communities while providing for the protection and enhancement of the water resources of the Basin; discourage development and redevelopment where it may impair water resources and their related natural resources. Other Information: Choices about where and how development occurs, and how activities are managed on the landscape, affect the quality and availability of water resources. Prudent choices for growth and development incorporate water resource protection, and use fiscal resources efficiently. Governmental agencies, in partnership with private and non-profit organizations, can develop financial and regulatory incentives to encourage smart choices for growth, development, and redevelopment that do not impair water resources. The following actions are necessary to accomplish this goal: • Examine impacts and develop plans on a watershed, aquifer or regional basis • Identify targeted areas for redevelopment to absorb growth where supporting infrastructure already exists or could be improved • Develop criteria and incentives for coordinated review processes to facilitate development and redevelopment in appropriate areas • Cluster new development to provide a mix of uses and activities, minimizing transportation impacts as well as landscape alteration • Remediate contaminated sites and brownfields and return them to productive use • Maintain current waterway and port infrastructure • Employ regional approaches to sediment management • Adopt ordinances and regulations designed to protect water and support natural resources through performance standards • Incorporate natural features as functional design elements, e.g., linking constructed and natural wetland systems for stormwater and wastewater management • Educate policy-makers, decision-makers and developers about water resources, the benefits they provide, and their community enhancement potential • Restore the visual and physical connections of people to the waterways at every opportunity Objective(s):
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