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Documents/DP/1: Education, Training, and Lifelong Learning |
1: Education, Training, and Lifelong Learning Transform America’s education, workplace training, and lifelong learning through the development and use of the revolutionary advanced information technologies comparable to those that have already transformed the nation’s economy, its communications system, media, and the daily lives of its people. Other Information: The Trust is in the tradition of the great American educational innovations of previous centuries, the GI Bill, Land Grant Colleges Act, and Northwest Ordinance, that helped transform the nation’s economy, strengthen its democracy and open up new opportunities for education and higher education to those who otherwise could not afford them. The Trust is designed to do for education, workforce training, and lifelong learning in the 21st century what NSF has done for science, NIH for health, and DARPA for the military. Building upon six years of development and a major report to Congress in 2004, Digital Promise has been endorsed by virtually ever major national association of educators and educational institutions, libraries, and museums, as well as by teachers’ and communications workers’ unions, the U.S. Conference of Mayors, the former chair of the National Governors’ Association, the Association of Public Television Stations, the National Science Board, many high tech corporate leaders, and public figures ranging from former Senator Warren Rudman to Internet pioneer and Presidential Medal of Freedom honoree Vinton Cerf.The Project was launched by the Carnegie, Century, Knight, MacArthur, and Open Society foundations, which in 1999 asked former FCC Chairman Newton N. Minow and former NBC News and PBS president Lawrence K. Grossman to co-chair a research project that would recommend public policy for utilizing the dramatic new information technologies in the public interest. The Project’s Executive Director in Washington, DC, is former Director of the American Arts Alliance Anne G. Murphy. Objective(s):
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