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Documents/DOTWIP/1: Web Improvement/1.3: Website Content |
Ensure that website content is readily accessible, updated, accurate, and routinely improved. Other Information: How does your Agency currently ensure that website content is readily accessible, updated, accurate, and routinely improved? Our goal is to maximize the accessibility, accuracy and relevance of our content. Toward that end, we have implemented automated tools to assist with the assessment of our sites. For example, we use the HiSoftware Compliance Sheriff tool to assess privacy and Section 508 compliance on our websites. We’re also implementing tools and developing processes that will help ensure our pages are up to date. As part of the Content Management System (CMS) migration, the DOT.gov site will undergo a full “content scrub”. We will work with content owners from around the department to migrate static content after reviewing it to ensure accuracy and relevance. We’ll use several automated features of the CMS to help keep content current. For example, content will be associated with automatic alerts to remind content owners to review web pages and make any needed updates. In terms of content development, we recognize plain language as a critical standard for clear communication. Awareness of plain language principles has been historically low, but it’s accelerating due to the Plain Writing Act. In compliance with this legislation, our senior official for Plain Language has been identifying plain language representatives for each office within DOT. Web staff will be available to work with those representatives to promote plain language on the web. The governance portion of our web strategy will also include support plain writing for the Web. The OCIO currently has a 53-point checklist of recommended compliance requirements for Department web developers, designers and content creators to follow. The checklist, along with applicable policies and regulations, is a step toward providing detailed guidance for website maintenance and activity. However, the checklist is infrequently used and in need of an update. We will be able to automate and enforce many of these best practice and compliance elements through a combination of the CMS and Web governance. Indicator(s):
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