- Value [1] Change
- Gandhi said that we must be the change we wish to see in the world; Code the Change believes that computer scientists must
code the change they wish to see in the world.
- Value [2] Social Change
- The reason for all of this is that computer scientists have valuable skills to contribute to social change. All of our operations
are geared towards creating an impact. The impact is second to nothing. The impact should be measurable and measured.
- Value [3] Human Rights
- Our Relationship to the World - All people deserve dignity. Period. To that end, we will not do anything or support anything
inconsistent with the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
- Value [4] Dignity
- Value [5] Fun
- Working for social change is not sustainable or scalable if the people involved do not enjoy their work. That goes for everyone.
People involved in the CS and social change movement need to avoid burnout.
- Value [6] Both/And
- It's Not Either/Or; It's Both/And - There isn't any silver bullet that will save the world or any one social change that is
more important than all of the others. It is necessary to experiment with many ideas for social change and to be generally
inclusive. This also means that we are not the silver bullet and should partner with other cool organizations and people.
- Value [7] Experimentation
- Value [8] Inclusiveness
- Value [9] Partnership
- Value [10] Speed
- Move Fast, Think Big - We can help every social change movement in the world. If we aren't moving fast, we're not having as
big an impact as the world needs.
- Value [11] Impact
- Value [12] Flat Hierarchies
- Hierarchies can be useful for interacting with other organizations, moving quickly, and making decisions, but they shouldn't
interfere with creativity. Everyone's input is valuable.
- Value [13] Service
- Service for All - Getting a person engaged in service is more important than one act of service. An engaged person will stay
engaged with service in the future.
- Value [14] Engagement
- Value [15] People
- People First - Be nice to people. Treat each other with respect. Create sustained relationships at all levels. Otherwise,
things won't be very fun, and we won't be effective at collaborating with other cool people
- Value [16] Respect
- Value [17] Relationships
- Value [18] Collaboration