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Documents/CSIS2010/8: Global Health |
Be a leader in shaping how the U.S. government and international partners think about global health. Other Information: CSIS's Global Health Policy Center has been a leader in shaping how the U.S. government and international partners think about global health. Health is vital to human development, economic growth, national security, and the building of stable ties between countries. CSIS's bipartisan Commission on Smart Global Health Policy addressed the nexus of global health and U.S. foreign policy by outlining a long-term strategic approach for U.S. global health investments. Chaired by CARE President and CEO and CSIS Trustee Helene Gayle and Admiral William Fallon, USN (ret.), the commission released its report A Healthier, Safer, and More Prosperous World in 2010. The commission report offers a five-point agenda for global health: 1. Maintain our commitment to the fight against HIV/AIDS, malaria, and tuberculosis; 2. Prioritize women and children in U.S. global health efforts; 3. Strengthen prevention and health emergency response capabilities; 4. Ensure that the United States has the capacity to match our global health ambitions; and 5. Make smart investments in multilateral institutions. Since last spring, more than 30,000 copies of the commission report have been downloaded. CSIS continues to work closely with the Obama administration as it establishes its Global Health Initiative, a six-year plan to improve global health outcomes through careful integration of programs, a new business model that emphasizes measurement and accountability, and a woman- and girl-centered approach. A number of follow-on high-level activities are planned for 2011. Stakeholder(s): Objective(s):
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