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Documents/CSIS2010/6: Afghanistan and Iraq |
Provide decisionmakers in government and military with timely, authoritative updates on progress on the wars and reconstruction efforts. Other Information: CSIS's Arleigh Burke Chair in Strategy provides decisionmakers in government and military with timely, authoritative updates on progress on the wars and reconstruction efforts. CSIS scholars routinely travel to the region to meet with high-ranking officials and commanders in order to develop an independent view of events. CSIS reports shape perspectives on Capitol Hill and in the Executive Branch to such an extent that the New York Times has called a recent Burke Chair anthology of the U.S. war effort "required reading." CSIS has also sought to look to the future of the region with forward-looking analysis on the "Modern Silk Road," the northern distribution trade network linking Afghanistan to Central and South Asia, as well as alternative models of governance and state-building in Southwest Asia and beyond. Stakeholder(s): Objective(s):
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