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Documents/CSIS2010/18: Congressional Outreach |
Use our bipartisan platform to help members of Congress and their staffs better navigate a complex world. Other Information: One of CSIS's core missions is to use its bipartisan platform to help members of Congress and their staffs better navigate a complex world. We do so through a targeted outreach program that connects thousands of Capitol Hill staffers with CSIS products and research. We host regular events that help educate Congress on current policy matters. We organize policy discussions that bring Congress, the administration, and policy communities together, and we offer a convenient forum from which representatives and senators can discuss their priorities with the public and wider policy community. In the last year, CSIS experts testified before congressional committees a dozen times, hosted monthly forums on Capitol Hill, and briefed members and staff regularly. In 2010, 17 members of Congress spoke at events at CSIS, and several participated in audio or video interviews with CSIS programs. CSIS continues to be an effective resource for Congress with continued direct involvement of members in CSIS projects and a robust outreach effort that opens new doors for CSIS experts and their ideas. Stakeholder(s): Objective(s):
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