Documents/CEC/1: Policies and Actions

1: Policies and Actions

To promote policies and actions that provide mutual benefits for the environment, trade and the economy.

Other Information:

To meet these objectives, the Working Group focused its activities on six specific areas, as outlined in the Puebla Declaration: establishing key elements to enhance markets for renewable energy; addressing issues related to trade pathways for invasive species; trade and enforcement of environmental laws, including enforcement of domestic laws that address transboundary trade in environmentally sensitive goods and materials; environmental procurement practices; market-based approaches to connect North American ecoregions; and sharing, as appropriate, information on methodologies for conducting environmental reviews of trade agreements with a view to better assessing the environmental effects of NAFTA. While these six areas are the primary focus, the Working Group retains the flexibility to focus 10(6) efforts on other urgent matters that may arise, and that support the Plan’s goal and objectives. Although this program considers six specific areas of work, during 2005 projects will focus only on five of them. Work on market-based mechanisms for sustainable use projects will begin in 2006. The Group identified criteria to assist in both selecting projects to achieve the goal and objectives, and in evaluating the progress made. These criteria will help ensure that the trade and environment work focuses on the CEC’s strengths, does not duplicate the work of others, and builds on CEC activities by connecting to the work of other CEC working groups.
