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Documents/ASOND/3: Legislative Agenda/3.4: New Residents |
Welcome New Residents Into Democratic Life Other Information: As the country welcomes more and more people from other countries, and with other experiences, we want to make sure we are welcoming them into full participation in our democratic processes. For new citizens, and for residents on their way to full integration, we need to open the doors to American democracy. Among our recommendations to Congress and the President: Authorize voter registration to take place in conjunction with naturalization ceremonies and authorize the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Service to provide information on voter registration to newly naturalized citizens. Endorse Clinton-Honda civic integration bill, enlist supporters for this and other integration, literacy, and naturalization initiatives pending or in development in Congress. Create a citizenship foundation to facilitate private gifts and donations to contribute to the work of the Office of Citizenship. Establish a program that provides Federal funding for naturalization promotion, education, and assistance by community organizations with experience and expertise in working with newcomers. Services that could be funded include outreach and education activities, legal services and application assistance. Adequately fund the 2010 Census to make sure that new residents are counted and their voices are heard in policymaking. This can be achieved through appropriation. Indicator(s):
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