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Documents/ASOND/1: Office of Civic Engagement/1.1: Office of Civic Engagement |
1.1: Office of Civic Engagement Create a White House-Level Office of Civic Engagement. Other Information: Such an office could serve as a focal point of government-wide commitment and provide leadership to a wide range of Federal agencies. The existing Office of Faith-Based and Community Initiatives could be a useful model. Potentially, we envision the new White House Office: Serving as a coordinator and champion for a network of agencies that will foster civic participation in their agencies’ policy making and programs; Helping implement existing civic participation laws and requirements; Identifying existing barriers within the Federal government to advancing civic participation and developing strategies to overcome these barriers (e.g., statutory, regulatory, and bureaucratic culture); Fostering improved civic engagement by Federal agencies by identifying best practices, offering trainings, building agency capacities, and linking to other related networks among Federal agencies, like the networks for alternative dispute resolution and customer service measurement; Leading or piloting government-wide, innovative approaches to engaging the public, like national dialogues and online input on agency rule making; Encouraging civic engagement efforts by local, state and regional governments through best practices, trainings and mechanisms for improved communication and collaboration; Including an external advisory council and liaisons within relevant agencies that will champion civic engagement in the Federal government; Acting as a focal point for a new Federal commitment to ensuring the right of every American to vote and participate in the electoral process. Championing a Public Engagement Act, described in the policy section below. Indicator(s):
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