- Value [1] Inclusion
- The Interdependence of Inclusion and Excellence -- With this plan, AAC&U reaffirms its conviction that quality and diversity
are integral and mutually enriching dimensions of an educationally effective learning environment. Building from its longstanding
commitment to equity and inclusion, AAC&U will vigorously challenge educational traditions and practices that, historically
and today, steer less-advantaged students toward programs that teach narrow skills for an initial job, while more advantaged
students reap the benefits and value of a liberal education. Against these well-documented trends, AAC&U will stand with the
LEAP National Leadership Council’s call to “Aim High—and Make Excellence Inclusive” by identifying and promoting institutional
policies and practices that help all students, whatever their background or area of study, develop the important outcomes
of a contemporary liberal education. AAC&U will make it a high priority to promote educational practices that can help students
from underserved groups and backgrounds—who are, collectively, the “new majority” in higher education—achieve these essential
learning outcomes.
- Value [2] Excellence
- Value [3] Liberal Education
- Liberal Education across the Disciplines and Professional Fields -- Over the next five years, AAC&U will work vigorously to
challenge and change the traditional equation of liberal education with study in the arts and sciences alone, and/or with
study in general education alone. AAC&U will provide advocacy and action to advance the “essential learning outcomes” as a
framing for the entire educational experience, as necessary elements in any college education that seeks to prepare graduates
successfully for work, life, and citizenship, and as the best standard for student success.
- Value [4] Civic Learning
- Civic, Diversity, and Global Learning -- from School through College -- While colleges and universities place high value on
preparing students for responsible citizenship in a diverse democracy and the global community, the evidence suggests that
there is little public understanding of this aspect of college learning. AAC&U will work to articulate and promote a compelling
contemporary framework for the preparation students need—encompassing knowledge, skill, choices, and action—to become responsible
participants in a diverse democracy and in the global community. AAC&U will highlight campus models that connect this framework
with learning in the arts and sciences and in the professional fields.
- Value [5] Diversity Learning
- Value [6] Global Learning
- Value [7] Authentic Assessments
- Authentic Assessments as a Catalyst for Individual and Institutional Learning -- AAC&U will vigorously promote approaches
to assessment that are designed to focus both student and faculty attention on the essential aims and outcomes of a college
education. While supporting the new calls for greater transparency and accountability, AAC&U will continue to resist—and will
provide alternatives to—the use of multiple-choice tests as the primary index of the quality of institutions’ or student’s
achievement. The organization will focus on assessments that both foster and demonstrate students’ ability to integrate and
apply their learning to complex problems and projects.
- Value [8] Faculty
- The Central Role of Faculty in Achieving Inclusive Excellence and Authentic Assessment -- Faculty have played the driving
role in establishing U.S. world standing in higher education; faculty vitality is the single most important determinant of
educational quality. Yet faculty have been under relentless attack for decades, both in the press and through funding policies
and exigencies that force campuses to turn to adjuncts rather than full-time faculty. The new challenges of achieving inclusive
excellence fall on a faculty that feels overburdened and undersupported. AAC&U will remain a strong voice for the importance
of faculty quality and vitality in principle and will work actively to foster faculty leadership and creativity in practice.
In partnership with faculty, AAC&U will emphasize quality improvements within the regular teaching, curriculum, research and
departmental responsibilities of faculty, challenging the widespread practice of improvement through an unsustainable expansion
of faculty roles and assignments. And AAC&U will continue to provide rich opportunities for faculty development that feature
faculty members’ own curricular, pedagogical, technological, and assessment creativity.
- Value [9] Integrative Learning
- Integrative and Applied Learning -- In and Out of the Classroom -- The real test of educational excellence is whether students
apply their learning in their lives beyond the classroom. Integrative and applied learning are therefore catalytic themes
in AAC&U’s vision of essential learning for the twenty-first century. With these ends in mind, AAC&U will work to advance
the importance of the larger educational institution as a crucial laboratory for liberal learning, democratic and global citizenship,
and work preparation. AAC&U will work vigorously to promote and expand existing designs for helping students become more engaged,
more intentional, and more reflective about the larger implications and applications of their college learning. And, AAC&U
will make it a high priority to discover, develop, and promulgate academic and student–life partnerships that help traditionally
underserved students achieve—and apply—the essential learning outcomes that are the center of this strategic plan.
- Value [10] Applied Learning