- Value [1] Employee Engagement
- Employee engagement is: 1. The degree to which employees identify with the company along with their willingness and ability
to contribute to the company's success. 2. The extent to which employees put discretionary effort into their work, in the
form of extra time, brainpower and energy. It's a conscious choice an employee makes that includes rational (thoughtful planning),
emotional (feeling and attachment) and behavioral (time and effort) components. 3. Not something a company does with or to
an employee. It's something an employee chooses to do. Employee engagement is a revitalized way to define an old concept:
A psychological contract where the organization invests emotionally in its workforce. In exchange, employees make a similar
emotional investment, investing their discretionary effort into their work and delivering superior performance. Since engagement
is largely emotional, it requires meeting basic human needs in the workplace to support and sustain top performers. It also
requires that the nature and design of the work itself, as a motivator, be considered as to whether it provides opportunities
for achievement, recognition, challenge, responsibility and growth.