Documents/6W2EE/6: Resources, Training & Capital/6.1.2: Leadership Style

6.1.2: Leadership Style

Promote one leadership style.

Other Information:

Undoubtedly, management consultants and theorists promote dozens of leadership approaches. Approaches include situational leadership and participative management to leading from the top and transformational leadership. All of these example approaches have merit. The danger comes when your leadership team sends managers to different leadership training, and everyone comes back with a different approach. It's the fastest way to create confusion for employees as they work for multiple leaders and with other employees who work with other leaders. Pick and promote one leadership approach for everyone to follow and train everyone on its principles and practices... Choose a leadership approach that instills positive mutual purpose and intent. After establishing this, skills in active listening, decision-making through alignment and using challenge as a positive process, can create the level of leadership success you seek for your company.


  • Leaders
    •  (Performer)
