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Documents/6Q2MEP/5: Grantees/5.4: Selecting |
Other Information: How do I -- and any advisors, staff, or family members -- make the final "go/no go" funding decision? ... "Selecting" refers to the final decision to make a specific grant to a specific grantee. In situations where there is one decision maker (an independent philanthropist, for example), this process is fairly straightforward. A more complicated decision-making environment, such as a family foundation, needs a formal decision-making process. Such a process will clarify who has the final authority to make the decision, how input will be considered, and what each stakeholder's role will be. Clarity about roles and steps in the decision-making process will result in: * Decisions that are more effective, efficient and responsive * Greater transparency and reduced conflict * Less time in limbo for potential grantees Stakeholder(s): Indicator(s):
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