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Documents/6Q2MEP/5: Grantees/5.5.3: Skills |
Identify your skills and assess your willingness to use them Other Information: Funding Mistake #3: Assuming that a check is all you have to offer. Writing a check is the most common and straightforward form of giving. It would be a mistake to think that money is the only resource you have at your disposal. You also bring a valuable network of contacts and relationships. To support a grantee, you may be able to refer a trusted friend to serve on the board or connect the CEO to other agencies, partners, and funders in the community. You or your team may also have relevant expertise like financial or legal knowledge that can help a non-profit. The bottom line is that giving shouldn't be a "one size fits all" proposition. How can you avoid this pitfall in your grantmaking? To make the most of your assets, identify what your skills are, and assess your willingness to use those skills. Do you have a business or legal background you could use to advise grantees on mergers? Could you provide facilities or services at a reduced or free rate? Examples of potential non-financial supports you could think about providing include (but are not limited to) the following: * Strategic supports: - Strategic planning & business model advice - Organizational design advice - Performance management advice - Board development * Tactical supports: - IT assistance - Communications / marketing support - Financial planning / accounting - Staff / management training * Field-related supports - Catalyzing collaboration, seminars and convenings - Offering insight and advice - Using the power of your voice to draw attention Indicator(s):
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